She said/She said

The Holly Berry fiasco: Danika: Devin tricked me into inhaling a berry up my tiny child nose while I was young and vulnerable and she was bloodthirsty Devin: Danika was an idiot child who wanted to prove she was better at everything including shoving things into her body. Nowadays she proves it with food.   … More She said/She said

#6. If you’re talking body, don’t talk about mine. Pt.II

Welcome to the second edition of “Talking Body”. The first edition was an inside scoop on self image supplied by my beautiful counterpart, Devin Jensen, and can be found in recent entries for those of you who aren’t caught up. For those of you that have been paying attention, I’ll continue with my tale. A … More #6. If you’re talking body, don’t talk about mine. Pt.II

#6. If you’re talking body, don’t talk about mine. Pt.1

Tonight we’re going to spice things up a little folks. I’ve decided to turn my usual incredibly long, babbling, opinionated posts into TWO incredibly long, babbling, opinionated posts!! Yay for infinite word limits! You may have a few ideas bopping around about what this entry could be about (HINT HINT TITLE) but have no fear! … More #6. If you’re talking body, don’t talk about mine. Pt.1

#5. Nana V. Grandma

  There are two types of Grandma’s in this world: the one that loves you and the one that loves your cousins. If you think I’m wrong, you’re probably the lucky bastard cousin (disclaimer: cousins, I love you all, you’re all real rad people, and I think it’s awesome that Grandma loves you enough to … More #5. Nana V. Grandma

#4. If you’re a decent person you don’t eat Kale.

I’ve grown up in a family of New Yorkers. My mothers side is scattered throughout Westchester and Rockland County while my Dads is just about an hour upstate from that. My parents settled down in Albany, putting a bit of distance between us and the family. I’ve always loved the Westchester area. Visiting my Aunts … More #4. If you’re a decent person you don’t eat Kale.

#3. That time I placed second in the Race-for-out-of-the-womb

I love to ask people what their favorite childhood memory is. Seriously, try it sometime you won’t regret it. Their answers range from funny, to sweet, to sobering (and then there’s the ass who “doesn’t have one”; mhm yeah okay, because every day of your life as a 5 year old was complete purgatory). Mine … More #3. That time I placed second in the Race-for-out-of-the-womb